
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Gifts.  We all enjoy receiving gifts.  To get something you want is always exciting. The one thing about gifts (especially the ones we REALLY like) is that, it’s always hard to let them go.  We want to keep them… “It was given to me and therefore it is MINE!”
Everything we have in our lives are gifts from God: our families, our homes, our jobs, friends, talents, etc.
Here is just a list a small list of the abundant things God has given me:

•    A family that I love and cherish.  God has blessed me with an amazing godly father, a great stepmother who takes good care of my dad, 3 siblings that I can always lean on… and the list goes on and on.
•    Friends that I can laugh and cry with and just be myself.
•    The opportunity to travel the world with AIM.
•    An AMAZING team that has shared tears, laughter and everything in-between.  I have never felt as close to anyone spiritually and emotionally as I do with the members of my team.

God asks us for our gifts and we tend to reject Him.  It is so hard to let go of what we have held onto, so tightly, for so long.  We just can’t fathom losing the things we cherish.  I find it hard to let go so very often.  But God continues to ask me for my all even after rejecting Him time and time again.
But the reason why He wants our gifts is so we can learn to truly trust in Him.  He wants us to give Him FULL control and He wants our WHOLE heart.  And the blessings that come with giving our gifts to God outweigh our fears in losing them.

Please help keep me on the race!  I have only a few days to get my account up to the $4,000 more I was asked to have by the end of this month.  If the money isn’t in, I will be heading home.  I know God has a lot to show me.  This month has been a month of great growth and I know it is only the beginning of what He has yet in store.