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Holidays are a big deal in my family.  I have spent almost every Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas with my extended family but always with my immediate family.  Complete with tons of food (there is always left-overs to get together the next day for lunch and dinner… it’s always multiple day celebrations), laughter and praise to God.  This is my first holiday away and I have got to say, I was a little sad knowing that I wouldn’t get to spend it with my family.  But it ended up being an AMAZING Easter.
On Saturday night, we were given the option of where we wanted to go to church and it was clear what my choice would be from the start.  We could go to a service at an international church at 9:30am or 11:00am or hike up a mountain and hear Benny preach.  And if you know me, I chose the mountain.  This is where I see God; through nature.
We took a songthaew (a taxi truck) up the mountain.  The view, the entire way up was beautiful.  We tried to hike on our own but the tour guide said, “No guide, no walk!”  So we took him along with us.  As we walked through the forest, I felt at home.  The forest of the San Bernardino mountains is where I have lived and worked for the past 6 years.  And as I walk through the forest at home, I am just captured by God’s love.  So, here I am in Thailand, getting to experience God through the trees and such.  It was gorgeous!
When we reached the top, we got to see some more of God’s amazing work.  The view was breath-taking!  We were at the highest point in Thailand!  We spent some time just breathing in God’s beauty then we spent some time in prayer.  We prayed for all of the teams and their ministries and for Thailand as a whole.
We then walked through more of God’s wonderous forest before heading back to our songthaew. 
As we drove to our next destination (a waterfall) we got splashed by some water.  (Right now we are in the middle of Songkran aka water festival… basically people are on the street and the pour buckets of water on anyone that goes by… whether walking, in a car or on a motorcycle.)  Yeah, that was pretty funny.  The driver slowed down as we passed a bridge with kids ready to pounce on us.



When we arrived at the waterfall, I just couldn’t help but praise God for His beauty that surrounds me.  There was a great moment where Jenny-Rose and I listened to some Hillsong while staring at the waterfall.  We then got back in the songthaew and as we rode home, we took communion.  Now, normally communion is taken with unleaven bread and wine or grape juice but we did it the world race way (meaning, anything you can find) and took it with banana bread and water.  I thought that was pretty sweet!

On our way home we tried our hardest to keep from getting wet by closing the windows.. but we didn’t always succeed!  Apparently, if you throw the water hard enough, it will splatter and go through cracks!

We then went to Miguel’s Mexican Restraunt for Easter dinner.  There is nothing like Mexican food in Thailand for Easter!  (I put that last sentence for you Jenn.)
All in all… it was a great day celebrated with people I love to the God I love!
Hope you all had an amazing Easter!
To keep you updated, my account is at #6,305.  Please continue to pray and prayerfully consider supporting me.  Any amount will help; whether it is $1 or $100 or whether it’s a one time thing or a monthly pledge.  I don’t know, but you can even look into getting involved with some friends to help.