Lord, Fill My Empty Cup
My month has been amazing… God as always is good!
As I said in my last blog, I felt like God wasn´t using me Guachupita other than being a translator for my team and to me translating isn´t much of a blessing.
After talking to Dave, he let me know something I didn´t realize before. He said, ´´Your prayers are the only one´s thery hear and understand.´´
Our last day of ministry was beautiful and yet the hardest day of all because we had to say our goodbyes. I wondered if saying goodbye would get easier with each month but then I decided that I didn´t want it to get easier. To feel the pain of leaving is to feel the love you have for them.
When we went to Clamente´s house and prayed over his family he said something that will always make my heart smile. He said, ´´That prayer is worth more than any treasure.´´ It was then I realized that God was using me!
This is just the beginning!
I am still empty… but empty of myself. God needed to empty me of myself so that He could pour His love in me! I can´t wait to be filled with His perfect love!
*photo not taken by me.
Still in need of support! Please search your hearts! I am still at $3,680 plus $70/month… that brings me to about $4,380… I am still short $9,420. Any amount will do! God bless! Please join me on the race with any donation!