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This is urgent!  I have less than 24 hours to raise another $5,340!
 To date, with your prayer and financial support I have raised $2,940 but I am still behind $5,340 to reach the deadline tomorrow.
If the money isn’t in by tomorrow morning, I may not be able to join my team on the race!
Please, I am asking for your helpful donations!  Whatever you can give!
I fought against going (basically fought against God) for so long and now I am fighting to stay in the race!  I know that God wants to use me and He wants to bend me and break me.  This is a great opportunity for all that.
I also would hate to miss out on my team.  I already met them a couple months ago at training camp.  They are the greatest teammates I could ever ask for!  I have never felt more a part of a team as I do with them.
“LORD, I lift my finances before You now.  You are Jahovah Jireh (our Provider)!  I don’t know where the money is going to come in from but I am trustingthat You will pull me through.  LORD, stir the hearts of those who read this blog, that You tug on their hearts to give.  I am excited to see what You have already done in me as I prepare for this trip and that You continue to mold me into what You want me to be.   Please, LORD, give me the same peace that Abraham had as he laid his son on the altar as a living sacrifice.  He trusted that You would provide.  It was in that last second that You provided.  Please, LORD, provide for me.  I want to go and show Your love to all those who have never had the opportunity to embrace it.  LORD, I lift my worries to You!  AMEN!”