I have been so busy since coming home from training camp that I haven’t had the opportunity to sit down and introduce you to my wonderful team!
Team Spectacle!
Going clockwise (starting from me) we have Darci Simpson, Jenn Myers, Di Dinnis, Rachel Hartman, Zack Trute and Dave Brown! We are all very unique but fit perfectly as a group. Just like no two pieces in a jigsaw puzzle look alike but yet together they make a beautiful portrait, that would explain Team Spectacle!
A Little Bit About Each Team Member:
Darci Simpson is our little “Energizer Bunny!” She is so full of life and she finds joy in making others smile (and she is REALLY good at making us smile). She is
the dancing queen! I am excited to see God use her in many ways this coming year including being the one the local children cling too and to remind our to become “even more undignified than this!” I love you sister!
Jenn Myers has both a heart and a smile that can (and do) light up a room! I don’t think there was ever a moment when I didn’t see a smile on her face! I am excited to see God use her this coming year in many ways including being a prayer warrior and our shoulder when we need one! I love you sister!
Di Dinnis has such a humble heart. She has a lot of gifts that God has already blessed her with and I know that He is going to continue to bless her as we enter into this new year together. I am excited to see God use her this coming year and what new gifts she will bring to the table. I loe you sister!
Rachel Hartman is the strength we need. She is the one who I am excited about whooping us into shape. She truly cares about spiritual and physical health. I am excited to have her as an accountability partner. I am excited to see God use her this coming year in many ways including being the humble heart and that the locals can find rest in her company. I love you sister!
Zack Trute is our Canadian! (Those of you who know me well, know that I have a special place in my heart for Canada and its people.) Zack strives to live as Christ lived and it is evident. It is beautiful to see his heart yearn for God like it does. Our team will learn so much from him. I am excited to see God use him in many ways this coming year including blessing the team as we learn from him. I love you brother!
Dave Brown is our team leader! He has such a servants heart and his love is abundant! He has the ear to listen and the heart to make a change. He isn’t ashamed to show you just how much he cares. I love you brother!
Our Team Name:
So, we spent a good chunk of time looking for the perfect team name. There were some that just didn’t fit but then Dave read 1 Corinthians 4:9 – 13 to us which says…
For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like men condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to men. We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are honored, we are dishonored! To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly. Up to this moment we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world.
… and it just fit!