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     At training camp, God gave me a vision of a tree that seemed to appear dead.  Quickly, I became frustrated because I didn’t understand what the vision meant.  But, with my eyes still closed, the vision started to take a new form.  God breathed air on the tree and new leaves began to grow along with fruit.  I thought that maybe God was telling me that we would bear much fruit this year.  I do believe it was part of it, but it wasn’t til today that I realized there was more to it.
     This morning, as I was praying I got a vision of a tree in the fall and I watched as all the leaves slowely fell from the tree.  Lately, I have been thinking about how Jesus talked in parables to make His Word understandable.  So, I feel that all of life can be used to explain the Gospel, life with God… basically, to find Him in everything.
     So, I thought about why trees lose their leaves in the fall.  They lose their leaves as winter approaches so that when the snow falls, the weight doesn’t cause the leaves to break.  And as winter ends and spring comes around, the tree begins to blossom again and grow more fruit.
     So, basically going back to a recent blog titled “Seasons” … I think God is saying that He is tearing away all the things that He needs to tear away before this season is over and this race is finished so that I can be ready for the next season.